Wednesday, April 27, 2011

French braids don't like curly hair...

It doesn't look to bad in the pixs but wow.. curly hair on a rainy day is not really the best stuff to work with when trying to do a french braid.. ;) But thanks Liz for helping me out.. ;)

This is the river last wednesday.. It's been raining a lot since then and it flooded down there now..

Our neighbors tree fell in one of the bad storms.. :( it was a lovely crab apple tree so sad it fell. :(

Anyway today is my day off.. :) so been goofing off.. you know trying out a french braid and eatign nerds! :)

Have an amazing day girls!


  1. yea, i know what you mean with curly hair and this humidity and wetness. ugh! impossible. your braid looks pretty good though!

  2. I understand your pain.... it still looks cute though!!
