Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Gentle Reminder...

Last week a Gentlemen and his coworkers were in Bobbys.. They were all very nice-office type people.. ;)

When He came up to pay he asked about my covering...
There is a few different reasons why I wear it... :)
Num. 1 is because I take 1 Cor. 11 literally..
Num. 2 It shows my submission to God's authority and His order of headship.
Okay so I'm stopping the list there for this post.. Maybe I'll do an official post sometime.. :)
But the He started telling me this story about a guy he knows who's called-humble Dan.. Even though he isn't a bit humble.
He said humble Dan told me how his Boss called him Humble Dan as a reminder to be humble. So He figured that it made sense to wear my covering because it would remind me I'm under God's authority.
Wow.. So some guy who isn't even a Christian is telling me this..! Amazing!
Love when God sends me little nudges.. :) I had never thought of it like that. Always figured it was an outward sign to show "other" people-not so much to actually remind me!!!
I'm thinking of it as identifying me as God's little princess!! :)
Hope ya all have a Great week!!


  1. wow that is so cool. i love the picture too. :)

  2. thanks.. me and my sisters.. :) it one of my favorites.. :)
